Thursday, November 3, 2011

Normal is just a setting on the dryer...

Some kids have cats, some kids have dogs, some kids have fish, some kids have horses. Me, I just have a praying mantis.

Mommy come see what I found!!!

Can I keep him??? Pleeeeeeeeeese!

See, he loves me.

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Making sure he has plenty of air.

He loves climbing on my back.

I love my new pal, Punchy!

Tomorrow we are going to buy him a better home and some crickets. Yummy.


  1. Ummm those are what I have a huge, huge phobia of. Oh my word! Love this kid but I don't like the new pet at all. - Tia

  2. Perfect Apartment pet!!!

  3. EWWWWWW!!!!! You're SO weird letting your kid have a BUG for a pet! Dak's super cute with it though! Baron would like the fact that he wouldn't have to scoop it's poop! : )
